Saturday, April 19, 2014

Getting Started...... Now What?

It's been a little over a year since I found out that I have celiac and need a gluten-free diet. And unfortunately, this isn't a diet with which you can "cheat".
Adjusting to this new lifestyle has been a food labyrinth.
I used to be a big sandwich and tortilla wrap guy... Gone!
Desserts? Pretty scarce and very few good mixes
Good luck with going out to eat!

These problems, these walls were pretty prominent in my life only until recently. A big turning point for me was in the form of a new cookbook, America's Test Kitchen's The How Can It Be Gluten Free Cookbook.

As soon as I heard about this cookbook, I was like....
Once I got this and started making some of the recipes, I knew I needed to have a Julie/Julia moment with it.

You might be thinking, "Wait... That's all that this blog's going to be about? A cookbook?"
The Answer- For now. The majority will focus on my experience and growth with these recipes as someone who wants quality food that happens to be gluten free. I can't type up the recipes (I do NOT want to get sued!), but you can access some of recipes and sign up for a newsletter on the link to the side. ---->
I think I can throw in some personal favorites of mine too. ** Warning** I take no responsibility if digesting my recipes leads to heart burn, nausea, numb lips, a ringing sound in your left ear, depressed thoughts, tingling sensations, dry mouth, fish mouth, baby fish mouth, butterfly kiss twitching, loss of ambidexterity, loss of bowel control, and winking eye.
I will also talk about the problems or "walls" that I mentioned earlier because I think we as a food conscious society can help each other out, getting a better perspective over this culinary/cultural maze.

From here, let's find out together.

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